
experiments in clients and testing with the http API directly to the robot

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of tools for interaction with the robot through the http API


Dev container

  • Have Docker installed.
  • Clone the repo.
    • git clone https://github.com/Opentrons/otietalk.git
  • Have VSCode open the dev container.
  • Open VSCode command palette command shift p
  • Select Python Interpreter Select the python interpreter
    • Select the .venv in this directory. Select the .venv in this directory
  • Use the VSCode terminal not an external one.


  • Have python 3.10.4 installed
  • Have pipenv installed pip install -U pipenv
  • Clone the repo.
    • git clone https://github.com/Opentrons/otietalk.git
  • Install the pipenv managed dependencies from the root of the repo
    • pipenv install -d

Heater Shaker Command Behavior Tests


  • Have a Heater Shaker attached to your robot and powered on.
  • When the tests run responses from most of the API calls are logged into responses.log
    • It is good to delete this file from time to time as it appends.
  • It is nice to be ssh into your robot and watching logs live
  • Run tests
    • There are two custom command line parameters
      • --robot_ip
        • example --robot_ip
      • --robot_port
      • example --robot_port 31950
    • run all tests pipenv run pytest --robot_ip YOUR_ROBOT_IP --robot_port YOUR_ROBOT_PORT_IF_NOT_31950
      • example pipenv run pytest --robot_ip
    • run one test by name
      • example pipenv run pytest -k test_shake_happy_path --robot_ip

Heater Shaker commands

From a terminal in the root directory of the repository

  • Run
    • pipenv run python hs_commands.py
  • Follow the prompts
  • logs are in responses.log

Heater Shaker Labware

From a terminal in the root directory of the repository

  • Run the wizard
    • pipenv run python hs_labware.py
  • Follow the prompts

Temperature Module V2 Labware

Labware that may be used:

  • opentrons_96_aluminumblock_nest_wellplate_100ul
  • opentrons_96_aluminumblock_biorad_wellplate_200ul
  • opentrons_96_aluminumblock_generic_pcr_strip_200ul

From a terminal in the root directory of the repository

  • Run the wizard
    • pipenv run python td_labware.py
  • Follow the prompts

Get all offsets used in runs on a robot

This tool retrieves the /runs data from a robot then constructs a list of the offset objects and outputs them to

  • console
  • file in JSON format (by default offsets.json)

Example of get_offsets

From a terminal in the root directory of the repository

  • Run the wizard
    • pipenv run python get_offsets.py
  • Follow the prompts

Pretty print into a log file

go into the file rich_it.py paste in your string to format in the variable your_garbage

pipenv run python rich_it.py

look in pretty.log for the output

Other notes

How to use pipenv to install direct pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/kraanzu/textual_extras.git@main#egg=textual_extras