
Remove verification restriction for users requesting mentors via API

jjhampton opened this issue · 2 comments


Why is this feature being added?

Issue #259 and PR #344 added an endpoint where mentor requests can be sent to the Rails API (which is then forwarding those requests to Airtable).

Currently there is a restriction to only allow verified Id.me users to make these requests, but per @AshTemp and staff, we now want to lift this restriction. Instead of checking Id.me verification, we will simply have a checkbox on the front-end form and take the user's word in good faith that they are a military veteran, active-duty, or milspouse. See comment in front-end issue # 971.

What should your feature do?

Remove verification restriction for users making mentor requests via API. This is currently being checked in the /airtable/mentorships_controller, and possibly elsewhere.

Can I do this?

@nagano564 There's already a PR open for it - #371