
Module with camel and rabbitMQ configs for messaging

Primary LanguageJava


This module contains common files to make messaging to and from rabbitMQ possible and a logging method for publishing logs in application. After importing this one just needs to define route configuration between Apache Camel endpoints and RabbitMQ endpoints.

To Use this:

  1. Import the dependency inside pom.xml with:

  2. Define Route configuration file in your repo to define endpoints to publish or a message consumer bean. It should extend org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder for it to be automatically picked by message-starter module and configure Apache Camel accordingly. See com.opsmx.messaging.config.TestRouteConfiguration for an example. While defining the route configuration you will need to construct RabbitMQ endpoint for Camel to use, instead of defining your own method optionally you can make use of com.opsmx.messaging.config.MessageStarterCamelRouteConfig.configure method which takes exchange name and queue name as parameters and returns and RabbitMQ uri as string.

  3. Finally, set attribute to your @SpringBootApplication annotation to scan packages of this library: @SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "com.opsmx")

  4. For publishing, the module produces a org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate bean which you can autowire in your publisher class and use it to publish a message to an endpoint.

  5. AuditPublisher is a class that contains a static function sendToAudit, it can be used to send audit events for persistence to camelEndpoint: direct:auditEvent