
Label missing fields in resources.ts

p0mvn opened this issue · 1 comments

p0mvn commented

I'm submitting a ...

  • bug report
  • feature request
  • question about the decisions made in the repository
  • question about how to use this project


This is a follow-up to this issue. After investigating, I found out that Label's interface in resources.ts is missing fields specified in the API. As a result, the fields are also missing from the compiled version of the resources. I tried adding the fields on my fork here.

However, I could not compile the resources and investigate further because I don't have the Docker permissions. I was wondering if someone could please provide an ETA on this issue. Also, is there an option of relaxing the permissions so that I could investigate further myself and open up a PR?

This is blocking me significantly. Any info would be very much appreciated. I can provide more details if needed.
Thanks a lot!

This is now resolved and we recommend upgrading to the latest google-ads-api version (Google Ads API v6.1)