
'"Pixelorama.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.' on latest MacOS version.

xynydev opened this issue · 8 comments

Pixelorama version:
0.8.3 from Github Releases MacOS version. Does not happen on 0.8.2.

Issue description:
First installed from brew (installs from github releases), got the error message “Pixelorama.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.. Thought that it was a problem with brew, but installing manually has the same problem.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download and open Pixelorama.Mac.dmg
  2. Move it to Applications
  3. Try to open it

There are similar issues like #264 and #240, it may be because the latest versions of MacOS mark the launcher of unknown binaries as a non-executable file. This most likely has to do with the fact that Pixelorama is not signed. You can try following these instructions and see if they work:

After you extract the .zip file, right-click on the .app file >choose Open in the dropdown then click Open in the warning dialog. Alternatively, you can right click the .app > show package contents, then open a terminal inside its Contents/MacOS folder. Then, type chmod +x Pixelorama . Go back to the .app file and you can now open it normally."

chmod +x Didn't work but disabling gatekeeper using these instructions worked. https://disable-gatekeeper.github.io/

Thanks for the reporting this issue. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do without signing the app, which requires $99 annual payments to Apple. The only way to get around this, like you mentioned, is disabling gatekeeper.

Found a workaround
If you download and build from source code it will work with your Apple ID.
Would it be possible to publish build instructions or are they just the defaults?
also would steam not be an option

Actually I'm pretty sure it's a packaging issue :

  • Adding executable rights to the binary in the app is not working
  • App are normally shown inside the security pane to be allowed if gatekeeper blocked them
  • gatekeeper cannot be disabled on m1 macs

Edit :

My bad, using the following worked :

  • xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine pixelorama.app

However I still find it weird to throw a damaged warning instead of the usual "app is not signed"


  1. On the .app file, Right click and select show package contents
  2. Copy the whole Contents folder
  3. Create a new folder somewhere else on your Desktop or wherver else, Name it Pixelorama.app, And when it prompts to add the .app extension, Click Add.
  4. Right click on the newly created folder/file, And press show package contents.
  5. Paste the Contents folder you copied from before.
  6. And... You are done! By doing this your computer assigns that file a "safe" tag that makes your system run the new file correctly.

To avoid X is damaged and can’t be opened. error, app can be ad-hoc signed (signed without Apple ID) using codesign -s - --force --deep ./pixelorama.app command.

See https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/export/running_on_mac.html, for all possible Gatekeeper errors and workarounds.

To avoid X is damaged and can’t be opened. error, app can be ad-hoc signed (signed without Apple ID) using codesign -s - --force --deep ./pixelorama.app command.

See https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/export/running_on_mac.html, for all possible Gatekeeper errors and workarounds.

Thank you for the suggestion! I made a PR for this change (#602), can someone download the generated build and confirm that the issue is solved?