
Weird issues with font display

elenakrittik opened this issue · 3 comments

Pixelorama version:
Pixelorama v0.10.3-stable

OS/device including version:
Manjaro Linux (kernel version 5.15.85-1) x86_64

Issue description:
There is a very weird issue with font which makes app almost unusable:
Symbols are replaced by some weird glyphs.

Steps to reproduce:
Download the Itch.io app, then download pixelorama through it (choose the "Pixelorama [Linux 64-bit]" option), click "Launch" to run the app (extract the files manually if itch didn't) and see the bug.

UPD: the issue is also present in the github release version
UPD2: the issue is not present in the web version

I saw a report of a similar issue on Godot engine repo itself. Seems to only affect GLES 3.

Can you link it please? Want to check out