
[AUR] Broken UI

4194304 opened this issue · 3 comments

Pixelorama version:

Latest version from AUR

OS/device including version:

Arch Linux
GTX 1050 Ti, DKMS, proprietary

Issue description:

UI appears messed up and isn't functional. Clicking on the buttons on the top of the screen do nothing. All other buttons do nothing either. Opening things directly, ex. opening a png file with Pixelorama don't show the correct interface and will still show the exact same broken interface.

It should open as usual with no issues.

Steps to reproduce:


Occurs from the AUR, used the version from the itch.io page and it opened without errors. I'll keep this open for further investigation

I'm not sure why that would happen, but if it's an AUR issue there's not much we can do. The versions found in the AUR are not maintained by us, not are there plans for an official AUR package as of right now. I recommend using either the itch.io version, the Flatpak version or the Snap version.

Closing as this seems to be an AUR issue, which is not maintained by us.