
Mass Editor on Mac

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I got the following Error when trying to edit my conllu file using Conllueditor (I have a MacBook). I have already installed ConlluEditor and I can use it without any problems.

./bin/ ../../udpipe/puliziaXpos train6_pulito.conllu                
readlink: illegal option -- f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
usage: dirname path
ls: /../target/ConlluEditor-*: No such file or directory
Unrecognized option: --conll
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

looks like that uname -s does not return Darwin anymore. I do not have access do a Mac, but could you run uname -s and tell me what this command says? If it is something different than Darwin, you could simply modify line 9 in bin/ and change Darwin to the new value (I will updated it here.)
On macs I think greadlink must be installed (brew install coreutils)


I ran uname -s and the output was Darwin.
I launched brew install coreutils but I got the same problem.

found the problem, the uname -s call was missing in bin/ Looks like you are the first Mac user using :-)
I pushed it to the repository so a git pull should correct it on your side. Or use the 2.21.1 release

Now it works! Thank you very much! :)