
Download image

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When I download an image, be it in tree or flat format, the names of dependency relations are not shown in the svg file.

This is a strange thing. The deprels are in fact in the downloaded .svg file but eog (for instance) does not show them). inkscape and inkview do show them, as does ImageMagick's display (all on Linux). Which tool do you use to visualize the .svg file?

I am using the standard image viewer of Ubuntu 18.04, codename bionic!

Yes, that's the tool I called eog. I do not know yet why it does not show the deprels. Did you try inkview?

I installed Inkscape and yes, with it the deprels are shown.

I do not know whether the Ubuntu image viewer is buggy. I checked the svg with a validator and it did not report any error.