
Escape double quotes and backslashes

agriffard opened this issue · 1 comments

You need to escape the double quotes in the msgid or the file is not valid.

Currently, you generate this:

#: OrchardCore.Flows\Views\Widget-Bag.Edit.cshtml:13
#. @T["{0} — <span class=\"hint\">{1}</span>", (await ContentManager.PopulateAspectAsync<ContentItemMetadata>(contentItem)).DisplayText, contentType]
msgctxt "OrchardCore.Flows.Views.Widget-Bag.Edit"
msgid "{0} — <span class="hint">{1}</span>"
msgstr ""

but the msgid should be:
msgid "{0} — <span class="\hint\">{1}</span>"

Also, please escape backslash \ with double backslashes \