
can someone guide me?

Closed this issue · 13 comments

i'm kinda lost because i don't know much of how phyton works, if somebody could help me, i would be really grateful! :)

i tried opening with commander prompt and install the requirements but it keeps showing me this, i don't know how to install...

That looks like you're not in the folder where you cloned the repository using git clone https://github.com/yarrm80s/orpheusdl.git && cd orpheusdl either that you you never cloned it.

Note that those commands are for Linux and you're on windows so it may not work exactly as written. You should still be able to install and use git though.

Also note that the above clone command has 2 commands separated by an &&. The first is to clone the repo using git and the second is to change the current directory.

i managed to install the requirements

however, i pasted the code for the settings there and that happened

i also tried to run the orpheusdl file and the module on phyton (3.9), but they ain't working. Thank you for your time!


You need to install a module for whatever streaming subscription you have.
For example if you use Tidal you would install this module.

OrpheusDL does not include any module by default, you have to manually install modules, for example OrpheusDL Qobuz or OrpheusDL Tidal.

i managed to install, but where should i put my login info? is it here?

I don't think that's it. I don't have access to my box as a reference but I'm pretty sure the login info goes in orpheusdl/config/settings.json at the bottom of the file.

ik where it is but i don't find where i need to put my credentials :/ image

After cloning a module in modules/ you have to execute python orpheus.py as stated in every module's README.md to refresh the config/settings.json file. After the refresh, the required options needed for the module to work properly will be added.

i did this and it didn't added anything :/
the only thing that i found related to login was this

I'm not sure which module you are trying to use, but if you are using the OrpheusDL Tidal module, just exeute python orpheus.py <tidal link here> as shown in the Usage Example.

thank you so much, i finally got to download it! one final question, do you know how to separate the channels from this file on audacity? it shows me a error bc of the ffmpeg library, but i already have them installed on my PC


That's not related to OrpheusDL, therefore off-topic. Closing.