
allow to install scriptkeeper without git or cargo

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The readme should provide an easy one-liner to install scriptkeeper. This could be done with either some bash script and binary releases to github or with snap.

The Rust part in the snap link seems to suggest that it's easy to compile Rust code with musl. If that is indeed so, a binary release on github would be simple to set up and would be a binary that could be dropped in easily in most Linux systems.

The libc crate and the nix crate don't expose the same api when compiling for the target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl. So we can't easily compile a statically linked binary. Not sure how much work that would be, if possible at all.

But I also don't think it's necessary to use a static binary -- as long as the dynamic dependencies are available and installed by default on the systems we want scriptkeeper to be used on. Not sure how to judge that, though...

Just tried to run a scriptkeeper binary on alpine in docker and it doesn't work due to missing dynamic dependencies. So binaries are probably a bad way to distribute this.

I do not understand your first point (about the libc and nix crate), maybe we should discuss this offline?

Also, here's one more thing to try out too: clodl exodus. This is for turning a dynamic binary plus all its library dependencies into a standalone package that can work anywhere.

We have an official binary release now: https://github.com/Originate/scriptkeeper/releases