
KubeMembershipTable Error: Initial ClusterVersionEntity entity doesn't exist.

jrouaix opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello there,

I am testing the Kubernetes clustering on a minikube on windows 10.
RBAC is activated, and i deployer the CRDs :

Then I gave INSANE privileges to my pods :

And then I have this error :

The Silo won't start :-(

Any idea ?

I am having a similar issue did you figure out a solution?

Nope, backedoff to the SQL Server clustering. I have to test on a non RBAC enabled cluster but I didn't success at disable RBAC on minikube.

Also I wonder about using a kubernetes services (with ClusterIP:None) and use the DNS lookup as silo discovery ... but it lacks the possibility to declare suspect & dead silos clearly

Sorry for taking that long to reply...

So, it looks to me that you are using Orleans as your group. That doesn't work. The error is not related to the ClusterVersionEntity.

Look at the first message. It must be a lower-case DNS name. This is not a problem with the provider. It is how kubernetes works.

Can you paste your silo configuration here?

Ho you're right, my ClusterId was "Orleans"
I just added the ToLower() part of the configuration.
I'll let you know when I'll try like that.

lfzm commented

@jrouaix I also encountered this problem, can I do the corresponding processing with Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes,

Hi @lfzm, I finally didn't try again the Kubernetes clustering but I'm confident @galvesribeiro gave me the right tip. For now we moved to another actor model framework, I won't try again soon.