
The readme contains an invalid link to cluster membership protocol documention.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Orleans Extended Cluster Membership Protocol. link points to a non-existent page in the Orleans repository documentation from the following


A page exists that defines cluster management here:


I propose the following change to the paragraph in question:

Two CRDs are created by this provider in order to store the Cluster Membership objects to comply with [Orleans Extended Cluster Membership Protocol](https://dotnet.github.io/orleans/Documentation/implementation/cluster_management.html). `ClusterVersion` and `Silo`. Examples on how to install each CRD can be found under the [samples folder](https://github.com/OrleansContrib/Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes/tree/master/samples).
- [ClusterVersionCRD.yaml](https://github.com/OrleansContrib/Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes/blob/master/src/Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes/Definitions/ClusterVersionCRD.yaml)
- [SiloEntryCRD.yaml](https://github.com/OrleansContrib/Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes/blob/master/src/Orleans.Clustering.Kubernetes/Definitions/SiloEntryCRD.yaml)

Hello @ryan-developer

Thanks! The docs probably changed on the main repo.

Do you mind open a PR with those changes?

Thank you!

@galvesribeiro I've created a PR with those changes.


Thank you very much @ryan-developer!
