
Issue with GrainStorageContext since Orleans 3.0.0-rc1

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Something wrong with GrainStorageContext since Orleans 3.0.0-rc1 release. GrainStorageContext.IsConfigured in GrainStorage.WriteStateAsync always return false.
It seems the problem releated to AsyncLocal values in GrainStorageContext.

With Orleans 3.0.0-beta1 all seems OK.

@KSLcom I didn't have a chance to check it out yet. Will do in a few days.

@KSLcom I ran tests against 3.0.0-rc1 didn't see a problem. Can you share a repro?

In the meantime you can use 'IGrainStateEntryConfigurator<TContext, TGrain, TEntity>', I updated the readme file you can find a bit more info there.

Sorry for delay to answer. In my simple test case with rc1 the problem is not reproduced also. But in the real project GrainStorageContext.IsConfigured always return false when swithing to Orleans 3.0.0-rc1. After rollback to Orleans 3.0.0-beta1 is working again as expected. Will investigate on my side.