
How to customize DateTime value's storage format?

sdghchj opened this issue · 3 comments

` public class JsonGrainStateSerializer : IGrainStateSerializer
private readonly JsonSerializer serializer;

    public JsonGrainStateSerializer(ITypeResolver typeResolver, IGrainFactory grainFactory)
        : this(JsonSerializer.Create(OrleansJsonSerializer.GetDefaultSerializerSettings(typeResolver, grainFactory)))


public class JsonSerializerSettings
internal const string DefaultDateFormatString = @"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK";

As the DefaultSerializerSettings is used to construct JsonGrainStateSerializer , so the the DefaultDateFormatString is also used to serialize DateTime members of a grain state. I am now using MongoDB as the storage database, however a DateTime type value is stored as string type while I want it to be DateTime type in MongoDB. I found there is no way I can change its format in my orleans based project.

Thank you. I fork your project and modifed the DateTime type's serialization. Please check the pull request.
