
Seems that the gateways marked as dead did not been removed in time

Jame6292 opened this issue · 8 comments

I received these warnings when i close my silos.
warn: Orleans.Messaging.GatewayManager[101321] All gateways have previously been marked as dead. Clearing the list of dead gateways to expedite reconnection.

So i guess Orleans.Providers.MongoDB did not remove dead gateways in time.
Of course, these gateway documents still existed in the collection OrleansMembershipV2

I hope this can be fixed in next release.

Thank you.

So far there is no automatic cleanup in Orleans 2.X I think. The interface has been introduced with 3.0 or am I wrong?

Thanks for your reply.

Now I'm using Orleans 3.0 rc2 . I didn't find any warnings like this in Orleans 2.X.

So, I think the "cleanup" feature came from 3.0.

Yes, it is this method: https://github.com/dotnet/orleans/search?q=CleanupDefunctSiloEntries&unscoped_q=CleanupDefunctSiloEntries

As you can see, even the support in Orleans itself is not so good. I will implement it as soon as 3.0 is out, I wait to migrate my application as well and Orleans is the last bit.

Yes, most of them are Not Implemented.

I guess they will be implemented in Orleans 3.0 release.

Thank you very much.

jurby commented

[3.0.0-rc2] (changes since 3.0.0-rc1)
Non-breaking improvements

Default to cleaning up dead silo entries in the cluster membership table after 7 days. (#6032)


I know.

Done and deployed to nuget as 3.0

I'm really very much appreciate your help