
Repository for Data Structures practices

Primary LanguageHaskell


Repository for Data Structures practices

Decription for each practice

First & Second

The objective was to complete the exercises and get in touch with Haskell.


The objective was to implement the Bag DS by completing SortedLinearBag.hs and BagClient.hs


Same as in the third practice, but in this case, it was the first Java implementation.


This was an exam, which asked the students to implement a Two-Lists Dock in Haskell


This time, we had to complete various files to fully implement the MaxiphobicHeap:

Haskell: MaxiphobicHeap.hs

Java: MaxiphobicHeap.java


The point of this one was to implement a Vector type by using a tree.

Haskell: TreeVector.hs

Java: UNFINISHED TreeVector.java


In this case, this subject is taught in both Haskell and Java.

For the first mid-term exam, students were asked to implement a Two-Lists Dock in Haskell.

Second exam was to implement a Splay Tree in Java.

The final exam was an implementation of a TreeBitSet in both Java and Haskell.

My grades

Exams Grade %
First Exam: Linear DS 9.00 15 %
Second Exam: Non-Linear DS 1.50 15 %
Final Exam (Java) 6.80 35 %
Final Exam (Haskell) 6.80 35 %
Final mark 6.33 100%