
Taking Damage when Resting/Sleeping/Every Turn for no apparent reason

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The title essentially says everything about my issue. I don't know what triggered it, but when I noticed it it was already too late for me to go back to wipe the issue. so now I'm stuck taking damage outside of combat when waiting and inside of combat even when the enemy didn't attack or used a tease skill. This damage I'm taking is quite significant as well, I take about 200 damage every hour and I don't know its source. I'll attach my save file as well, if that helps.

Buggy File.zip

This is common issue due to unclear mechanics. In Apperance screen you can go to Racial scores where you can find one specific line: "INTERNAL CHIMERICAL DISPOSITION: (3) 3". First number is current disposition and second is overall=number of racial perks. If hunger is not active then you take damage = current disposition * 0.5% max HP, else you get hungry fast (this only work with positive values of disp.). To reduce current disp. you need to take Chimerical Body line perks, Initial Stage reduce current disp. by 2. This count as negative regen and can be countered by enough regen perks or items like hydra/lizian perks or valeria/nurse outf. etc. You can find regen values at Stats -> Combat at the bottom of the page. Also you can become a gargoyle as a result you loose all racial perks (Drag. lungs etc.) and all Chimerical Body perks reciving back all perk points.

You can clear Deep Cave for perk points(Take sword (first turn left), fix Vala and deal with Zetas). All req. to Chimerical Body can be find at Perks -> Database (you need more racial perks for Semi-Basic Stage wich nullify negative regen).

Also you do not loose racial perks that you buy for perk points if you change race. Racial perks req. different amount of racial score of that race(Black heart need 5 demon score for basic, 9 for evolved, 14 for final)