
ALIFE: DevoNN Workshop

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020 Workshop
The 3rd edition of the Developmental Neural Networks Workshop will be held as a part of ALIFE 2020 in its virtual format. More details coming soon about how this virtual workshop will take place.

We welcome anyone to participate and encourage the submission of extended abstracts of 2-4 pages (MIT Press format). We are open to submissions concerning a variety of neural development topics, from hand-written rules to evolved systems, and from conceptual work to experimental results. Accepted submissions will be distributed online and presented during the workshop. Abstracts must be submitted via email to devonn@irit.fr by June 15th, 2020 UTC-12. This deadline will not be extended.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission: June 15, 2020
Author Notification: July 1, 2020
Workshop: TBD
ALIFE: July 13-18, 2020