
Watched Status Changes with Row Width?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Videos can appear watched/unwatched depending on how many items are in the row.

For instance, if we use a basic (watched) versus [unwatched]

1 video per row (2 is incorrect)

  • (1)
  • [2] - incorrect
  • [3]
  • [4]

2 video per row (3 is incorrect)

  • (1) (2)
  • (3) [4]

Using 3 or 4 per row seems to correctly line up.

I would guess that this on/off nature has something to do with the new "row" formatting that YT has done to their design.

I have also seen the watched ("eye") button disappear on scroll, which might play into the above, as it can occur when resizing the width.

A new version has been released (v0.17.5) that has probably fixed this issue.
Can you check if this is still happening?

@OsaSoft I can confirm the latest update has resolved both the incorrect watched status and the disappearing eye. Great stuff thanks!