
A simple time tracking web application built on React.JS as frontend while using Symfony4 at the backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Time Tracker in Symfony 4 & React.JS

A simple time tracking web application built on React.JS as frontend while using Symfony 4 at the backend.

How to set it up

  • clone this repo
  • cd repo..
  • $ composer install
  • php bin/console doctrine:database:create (.evn file is already provided for easy installation)
  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to run migrations
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load to load dummy data into the database
  • php -S -t public

Open on your fav browser to access project.

In case you want to change or recompile the react source, do not forget npm install inside public folder. Issue npm run start:prod for production and npm run start:dev for development rebuild.


It was a reasonably sized project and I enjoyed doing it. I spent roughly around 6-8 hours on it.


It was my first time using symfony so I had to do some reading there. I hope I have got it right and like the way, any experienced symfony developer would do it. I used annotations for application routes, migrations to create database and data fixtures for dummy data.


Considering it was a small task, I decided to go with SQLite. It comes with a small footprint and needs no additional maintenance routine for configuration. Great choice to something like this.


The frontend is based on React.JS and Bootstrap 4. Maybe I have overdone it a little bit but I like the way it looks now. This is also the component I spent most of my time at. Previously, I was always using redux for storing state, having actions and more. So my starter kit (more than a starter) kind of had everything configured for that. Rather than stripping it down, I found a nice basic starter kit here: https://github.com/adeelibr/react-starter removed unwanted dependencies and added what I like to have for this project or something like it in future. It is basic react.JS with bootstrap 4 ready to go: https://github.com/adeelibr/react-starter.

Although a small application, I have divided it into multiple small components which not only looks neat at a glance but it also offers great flexibility for more features and code maintenance in future. It is a blend of smart and dumb components, which allows easier development while keeping the props list in check as well.

Like/Dislikes and More

Setting up a whole project for something small like this is always a turnoff unless you have starter kits available. I have made one so it should be fast for future use.

The thing I liked most was how this small looking application covered almost all the aspect of a web app. Although we are still missing delete and update.

If I had more time (if I wanted to invest more time...?):

  • I would have worked on lowering the production build size. Currently, it is sitting at around 435kb and it can be lowered with some intelligent imports and webpack configs to optimization. I realized it later and decided it might not be worth it. I am using bootstrap which includes jquery, pooper.js and its js files. I only use jQuery for back-to-top-button which can be converted to HTML/CSS only and then we don't need any js files from bootstrap. My imports from lodash and reactstrap are optimized but maybe we can further decrease the size elsewhere.
  • I very much like the current frontend architecture and I think it is pretty solid to have further improvements but I would spend some time at the backend, double checking the incoming requests for clean input and more.
  • Implemented a reset timer button :)