
A react starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Started Kit

This is a react starter kit without a server, router or a redux store with bare minimum webpack configurations - only what's needed nothing else. An excellent starter to build your application on and incrementally add more features to your webpack configuration(s).

Steps On How to Use This Kit
  • Clone this repository
  • Do an $ npm intall
  • Then depending on the build you want to run use the following to command in your terminal

npm run start:dev

npm run start:prod

Things Added To This Starter Kit
  • Webpack 4 added
  • Bootstrap 4 with jQuery, Popper.js
  • Transform imports plugin to only import used functions
  • Webpack development, production environment setup, ability to add as many environments as you want by simply chaning the --env.NODE_ENV in the script in package.json
  • scss support
  • @babel/env, @babel/preset-react, @babel/preset-stage-2 (version 7.0.0-beta.56)
  • Webpack merge added to manage configurations in a very smart way.
  • splitChunks, NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin,
Important Notes / Dependency Bugs
  • Independent CSS file
Thing to do
  • Clean directory after recompile
  • Remove unused CSS
  • Tree shaking