epiceditor with jade - editor loaded callback firing, no editor is added to the page
ThorsonWeb opened this issue · 1 comments
ThorsonWeb commented
update: it seems to be an issue with being in a container div
update2: major durp on my part,
editor.load(function () {
has resolved the problem.
So I'm wanting to integrate this awesome editor with my latest node project. I serve compiled jade templates with an include for epic editor. All scripts are fine, there are no 404 relating to styles or other problems.
My JS to show the editor is
<div id="editarea"><div id="epiceditor2bdb1d84-9e21-4a93-ac3c-65318f939b88"></div></div>
$("#editarea").dialog({width:400, height:400,open: function(){
var opts = {
//container renders as epiceditor2bdb1d84-9e21-4a93-ac3c-65318f939b88
container: 'epiceditor#{options.Guid}',
textarea: null,
basePath: '/javascripts/EpicEditor-v0.2.2',
clientSideStorage: true,
localStorageName: 'epiceditor',
useNativeFullscreen: true,
parser: marked,
file: {
name: 'epiceditor',
defaultContent: '',
autoSave: 100
theme: {
base: '/themes/base/epiceditor.css',
preview: '/themes/preview/preview-dark.css',
editor: '/themes/editor/epic-dark.css'
button: {
preview: true,
fullscreen: true,
bar: "auto"
focusOnLoad: false,
shortcut: {
modifier: 18,
fullscreen: 70,
preview: 80
string: {
togglePreview: 'Toggle Preview Mode',
toggleEdit: 'Toggle Edit Mode',
toggleFullscreen: 'Enter Fullscreen'
autogrow: true
var editor = new EpicEditor(opts);
editor.load(function () {
console.log("Editor loaded.") //prints to console
the markup on the page doesn't change, however if I run editor.load() from the console the editor appears.
There are no script errors or resource 404's.... any ideas?
OscarGodson commented
ah, this was probably because the load event was after you had already loaded it? glad you figured it out! 👍