
Statistic graphs of the group

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In the charts sections, add some graphs about the statistical information of the group. E.g.:

  • A pie chart of the number of members in each category (researchers, associates, etc..)
  • Total number of active projects for each scope
  • Something similar to the number of publications chart but with projects
  • ...

Something that gives a brief summary of the state of the group.


  • By project scope, you only mean "european" and not "FP7", "ITEA", etc., right?
  • In the number of publications chart applied to projects, if one project is 4 years, you consider it active for the 4 years, right?

Regarding the number of members:

  • A pie chart is clear.
  • Would you also like a timeline? I can imagine the following lines: total number of members, EDPs (don't know how to translate this), doctors. All splitted by unit.
  • Yes, I'm only talking about european/national/regional projects (we have funding info, but I'm not sure if the naming is standardized enough).
  • Yes, we would show how many projects were active each year.
  • A timeline would be nice also, given that we update all the duration info in the DB

Genders added in 4e7bc60

I would see that all of this is already done.