
UserInput object has no attribute genelabels

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When calling run_predictions(), the code is getting hung up on the UserInput object not having an attribute genelabels.

As best I can see, the creation of the UserInput object should add a genelabels attribute of id by default. I can't see why it's not doing so.

Commenting out the following block gets around the error, but (I assume) means that it loses the ability to check whether it needs to translate the gene labels or not.

if ui.genelabels == 'symbol':
        ensembl_relabel = convert_symbols_to_ensembl(ui.samples.columns)
        ui.samples = ui.samples.drop(ensembl_relabel['unconfirmed'], axis=1)
        ui.samples.columns = [ensembl_relabel['confirmed'][i] for i in ui.samples.columns]

Hi, thanks so much for picking this up.
I can't seem to reproduce the error, and as you say, the UserInput object should catch if the genelabels flag is missing.
Are you able to share some details of what led to this error?