Event Callback Error
Opened this issue · 3 comments
event callback error:
Interface\AddOns\RaidBrowser\core.lua:768: invalid pattern capture
I have a few ideas for how to bypass this for now (wrap the raid_info function in a pcall). I'll have to add some better error messages to figure out which pattern is causing the issue, though. I'll see if I can figure this out tonight when I can test it out.
Thanks for the issue!
Btw, does the addon stop working after this happens? Is it just an error message that's popping up in chat occasionally? I believe I attempted to prevent addon crashes in the latest release, so I'm curious if it worked. I can't seem to reliably reproduce the bug, so I wasn't able to fix it the last time I tried to.
Nope, errors don't stop the addon anymore. But for a long time I didn't get any other error messages from this addon so I just wanted to share it.