
System.Net.SocketException and System.NullReferenceException while playing Catch.

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System.Net.SocketException and System.NullReferenceException while playing Catch.

At win7 ,the Windows tells me pypy3-rtpp.exe crashed for so many times.

By the way. I forgot to test the plugin after last modify. Today I find, Stars from RTPPD is still 0, and I curtained that I initialized that.

public class RtppdInfo : RealTimePPDisplayer.Displayer.DisplayerBase
public RtppdInfo()
Sync.Tools.IO.CurrentIO.Write($"[osuTools] Initialized Beatmap:Stars{BeatmapTuple.Stars} RealTimeStars:{BeatmapTuple.RealTimeStars}");

if I launch it as Administrator with func system

"It“ is run_ctb_server.bat

By the way. I forgot to test the plugin after last modify. Today I find, Stars from RTPPD is still 0, and I curtained that I initialized that.

BeatmapTuple will be set on Playing and it will be clean on Select Song.
When RTPP::Mania output stars,it's not be filled. the meesage is output during parse end.

At win7 ,the Windows tells me pypy3-rtpp.exe crashed for so many times.

run run_ctb_server with cmd, it should show crash message.

错误应用程序名称: pypy3-rtpp.exe,版本:,时间戳: 0x5aded4c4
错误模块名称: libpypy3-c.dll,版本:,时间戳: 0x5aded4bc
异常代码: 0xc0000005
错误偏移量: 0x00921ee3
错误进程 ID: 0xcb0
错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01d5cf4f6f705b9f
错误应用程序路径: C:\Users\hesiy\Desktop\sync app\ctb-server\pypy3\pypy3-rtpp.exe
错误模块路径: C:\Users\hesiy\Desktop\sync app\ctb-server\pypy3\libpypy3-c.dll
报告 ID: d68f2288-097c-4bc0-a690-3765a7d5f4c3
错误程序包相对应用程序 ID:

info in event viwer

By the way, if I do something like assignment in PlayModeChanged event handler, the progress seems to be blocked.

After I started the game with mania mode , RTPPD didn't show anything.