
How to run newer version of ORTDP

NoisNette opened this issue · 2 comments

Today, I tried to open the Sync PP counter app and it said there's a new release out so I went to download it. I did and now I don't know what I have to do with the .dll file of the new version.

Also, lately I have been having issues with the Sync app itself, so I thought I could say something about it here too.
When I try t type plugins update into the console, it pops this up:

[20:04:54] Cannot update :  OpenRead : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
[20:04:55] Fetched update: ConfigGUI by KedamaOvO [4eaf2dca-1d49-4f0c-b9b7-c220db5feab0]
[20:04:55] ConfigGUI is up-to-date or user caneled update operation.
[20:04:55] Cannot update :  OpenRead : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
[20:04:55] Fetched update: OsuRTDataProvider by KedamaOvO [7216787b-507b-4eef-96fb-e993722acf2e]
[20:04:55] OsuRTDataProvider is up-to-date or user caneled update operation.
[20:04:55] Fetched update: RealTimePPDisplayer by KedamaOvO [8eb9e8e0-7bca-4a96-93f7-6408e76898a9]
[20:04:55] RealTimePPDisplayer is up-to-date or user caneled update operation.
[20:04:55] Fetched update: RealTimePPIngameOverlay by Deliay [0d48f4c6-d7d8-47cc-8bd3-15dd23449765]
[20:04:55] RealTimePPIngameOverlay is up-to-date or user caneled update operation.
[20:04:55] Update done. Restart to complete update.? (Y/N):>y

After hitting Enter, the console restarts, but if I try to type plugins update again, it does the same thing, like it never updated in the first place.

Thanks for your help!

The latest version was published to sever yesterday, so 'Sync' built-in command 'plugins update' is not working correctly when ‘ortdp' update not published to server, this issue now is resolved, try update again.

Thank, just updated, everything works!