
pooling started, but not working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I started pooling and I set the timeout to 300 and I start communicating with my Bot in Telegram.
but nothing happens.

(morse.handlers/defhandler bot-api
              ; Each bot has to handle /start and /help commands.
              ; This could be done in form of a function:
              (morse.handlers/command-fn "start" (fn [{{id :id :as chat} :chat}]
                                      (println "Bot joined new chat: " chat)
                                      (morse.api/send-text token id "Welcome!")))

              ; You can use short syntax for same purposes
              ; Destructuring works same way as in function above
              (morse.handlers/command "help" {{id :id :as chat} :chat}
                         (println "Help was requested in " chat)
                         (morse.api/send-text token id "Help is on the way"))

              ; Handlers will be applied until there are any of those
              ; returns non-nil result processing update.

              ; Note that sending stuff to the user returns non-nil
              ; response from Telegram API.

              ; So match-all catch-through case would look something like this:
              (morse.handlers/message message (println "Intercepted message:" message)))
(def channelx (morse.polling/start token bot-api {:timeout 300}))
Otann commented

That's interesting, thank you for reporting it.
What does your log say? Are you sure you have the correct token?

I think it was my fault.
I asked someone and he tolled me what I want to do is not possible. He tolled something like that you need https. I tried this library with chat-id and worked.

Otann commented

I'll close this one then