
not a bug, but it's a flaw

babut85 opened this issue · 2 comments

*sorry for my terrible english

it is possible to open multiple windows, there is no way to move tabs between them except by dragging with the mouse.
i will explain with an example. you need to buy something. to do this, you open store websites, many tabs, several windows, and collect promising positions in one window that is open for this. and it is much more convenient to do this through the context menu of this tab than dragging this tab with the mouse into a window that does not stand out against the background of other windows.
such a mechanism is implemented in Vivaldi. for one terrible flaw, which i pointed out to them about a year ago, but they don't give a shit about user problems. this disadvantage is that when you send a tab from a window to another window, this other window is activated and pops up. and you have to find in which window and in which position you were before.

if my memory does not fail me(and i am 99% sure that it does not fail), then in the original Opera it was possible not only to remove a tab closing buttons, but also to close the tabs themselves with a double mouse click. by removing the tab closing buttons, we saved a lot of space, but the inability to close the tab quickly(calling the context menu or pressing the hotkey it is not so fast and convenient if you do everything else only with the mouse) is a barrel of shit in a barrel of honey.

when you have several windows in a session, when the contents of these windows are thematic, you want the order of these windows to be remembered in the session. previously, in Vivaldi, the order of opening windows was random, but not so long ago their order began to be remembered. but this is not enough, we need the opportunity to reorganize them. this is a very difficult task for the browser itself, but it is easily solved by third-party applications, for example, "7+ Taskbar Tweaker"(almost all antiviruses detect it as a virus due to the fact that it is injected into the process), which allows you to reorganize windows directly on taskbar. and it would be possible to stop at this half-solution if, when closing Vivaldi, it learned a new order of windows, but the next time it starts, it opens windows in the order that was originally when creating these windows.
your browser opens windows randomly and it is terrible.

a critical disadvantage is that there is no support for extensions, some of which are vital- for example, "Proxy SwitchyOmega"(this is not just a frontend to a .pac-file, it is an opportunity to access a site through a selected proxy with one click, even if there is no rule for this site. such convenience is worth a lot, because in times of a shortage of ipv4 addresses and the slow introduction of ipv6, you may not be allowed on the site an hour later, and a day later you will be allowed again. resetting the connection with the provider- to get a new external address from its pool is tedious)- which, based on the rules(their external sources are also supported), automatically uses the proxy specified for them. and this applies not only to .i2p and .onion(which could be considered a specific case), but also to ordinary sites that are blocked in a particular country. we live in a world that was captured by the fascists, and this must be taken into account.

i see that you are trying to integrate another critical extension- adguard, but this path is a dead end, since there are many more such extensions, for example- tampermonkey. and all of them already have a huge base of developments and solutions, no one will adapt it all. need to implement support for third-party extensions.

Vivaldi flew in on a promise to recreate the original Opera, but years passed and we got another clone of Google shit. i care and therefore i hope that your path will be different

Emdek commented

@babut85, uhm, so it's about making it easier to move tab to another window, or some other stuff too? ;-)

I was already considering some sort of submenu (in place of action to detach tab, to be moved to that submenu), which could also list other windows (and maybe some other actions too).
About activating that target window… I'm conflicted about that detail, both activating target window and doing nothing have their own use cases… Perhaps we could ass some settings switch or maybe even allowing to use a keyboard modifier to decide what to do (although I'm also conflicted about such hidden modifiers, we would have to ensure that they work in consistent way and make them less hidden too).

when you have a lot of windows, it is more convenient to move tabs between windows through the tabs context menu. in the same Vivaldi, this is done quite sane(the active tabs in each window are indicated in the drop-down submenu, and based on this information, you understand what kind of window it is. it may not be ideal, but it is quite acceptable), with only one exception- the forced activation of the destination window and the tab in it. maybe it will be convenient for someone force activation, but personally i can not think of a situation where it will be convenient. but for this case, you can configure the behavior when moving the tab- activate the window or not. or do it as when opening a tab by a link, when there are two items in the context menu- open a new tab with its activation or open it in the background(without activation. in Vivaldi, this is done by clicking the middle mouse button on the link, but i do not know if such a trick can be implemented in the context menu. again, considering that most of the time we work in the browser only with the mouse, using keyboard modifiers for this is not the most convenient way)