
Accents do not work on compiled otter (armbian)

robert-winkler opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I compiled Otter on armbian. It seems to run fast and stable.
Unfortunately, language-specific symbols and accents such as é, ó, ü, ß etc do not work.
For me, that is a problem, because I write webmails in Spanish and German.
Is there a way to enable UTF8 letters?
Best, Robert

Emdek commented

@robert-winkler, you have that issue with webapges, UI or both?
Either way it sounds like some issue with Qt or web backend (are you using QtWebKit or QtWebEngine?).
Could you please provide some screenshot?

Emdek commented

@robert-winkler, so it's some sort of input issue then.
Does the same happen when you input text in UI controls (for example search field)?

Emdek commented

@robert-winkler, OK, then it is indeed some sort of Qt issue, it should be reported upstream.