
Auto-completion of URLs not operational

Ricky-Tigg opened this issue · 0 comments


$ otter-browser --report | awk 'NF' | sed -n '2,8p;12,13p'
	Main Number         1.0.03
	Weekly Number       -
	Web Backend         WebKit Backend 602.1
	System Name                   Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition)
	Build Qt Version              5.15.2
	Current Qt Version            5.15.3

Hello. The auto-completion of URLs inside the URL field, used to be operational in previous sessions, as #1729 indicates it, Till option Clear browsing history when application closes with its default options was applied, it is not anymore. Tested: about: does no longer trigger the exhibition of supported addresses. Current state at ToolsPreferencesPrivacy tab:

otter_v 1 0 03_Privacy_settings