
Plexamp Support

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Recently saw that Plexamp can be installed as a node.js server on a Raspberry Pi. Wondering if it would be possible on an Ottercast, this would be incredibly helpful, and would likely bring in a bunch of Plex fans, given the possibility of multi-room support in Plexamp.


Hm, unsure.

Running node.js software is probably beyond both the RAM and CPU of the S3 SoC.
There seems to be a armv7 compiled version of the plexamp binary, so it might be possible to try and run the binary, but I have no idea how well it would run.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Additional problems:

  • Binaries are propritary, we can't ship/include them
  • Plex subscription is required. I do have a Plex Media Server setup, but no subscription.

Makes sense. How would one go about loading the binary to the ottercast? Once I get all the parts to build my own ottercast, I can write a simple document on how to install it. I've got a plex pass, so I can test.

You could probably try to just "scp" the Plexamp-Linux-headless-v4.6.1.tar.bz2 file (more specifically it's contents) to the root FS of the Ottercast and try to run it.
I suspect that you'll need an external node.js binary as well. Either you can find a statically compiled node.js armv7 somewhere or you'll have to setup the buildroot setup, change the configuration to include buildroot and then build a new image from scratch.

Sweet, once I have time to order and build the Ottercast, I'll try it. Thanks for the help. I'll keep you posted.