Fetature Request: function to convert standard race Q to a single variable with a multiple races output
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higgi13425 commented
A function to make race into a single variable would be a big help.
A solution is proposed below.
I built a function for converting the standard REDCap race categories into a single variable with an option for multiple races.
This depends on
using standard redcap race Q
using a standard subject_id variable
wondering if you could test this out
singlevar_race <- function(data) {
data |> pivot_longer(cols = race___1:race___7,
names_to = "race_num",
names_prefix = "race___",
values_to = "true") |>
ilter(true == 1) |>
arrange(subject_id) |>
mutate(lead = lead(subject_id)) |>
mutate(race_num = case_when(
subject_id == lead ~ "8",
TRUE ~ race_num)) |>
distinct(subject_id, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
mutate(race = case_when(
race_num == '1' ~ "American Indian or Alaska Native",
ace_num == '2' ~ "Asian",
race_num == '3' ~ "Black or African American",
race_num == '4' ~ "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", race_num == '5' ~ "Not Reported",
race_num == '6' ~ "Unknown",
race_num == '7' ~ "White",
race_num == '8' ~ "Multiple Races")) |>
select(-true, -lead)
Expected behavior: This would create two variables, race_num, and race, that would be added on to standard REDCap datasets with mutate