
An Online Fitness Tracking App I am developing during my internship using Flask, Vue.js, Bootstrap and MongoDB aimed at helping users log and monitor their fitness activities, manage goals, and visualize progress.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Online Fitness Tracking App

The Online Fitness Tracking App is a web application designed to help users track their fitness activities, monitor progress, and achieve their health goals. This application is built with a Flask backend and a Vue.js frontend, offering a responsive and user-friendly experience.


Here are some screenshots of the application:

  • Authentication Interfaces

    Login Overview Sign Up Overview
  • Dashboard View

    Dashboard Overview 1 Dashboard Overview 2 Dashboard Overview 3
  • Activities Page Activities Page

  • Activity Logging Forms

    Log Activity Overview Log Custom Activity Overview Log Custom Activity Overview
  • Log Workout Interface

    Workout Interface Edit Workout Interface
  • Set Goal Interface

    Goal Interface Edit Goal Interface


  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration to manage user-specific data with JWT-based authentication.
  • Fitness Tracking: Log various types of activities (e.g., running, weightlifting), track workout details, and monitor progress.
  • Custom Activities: Create and manage custom activities with dynamic labels and values, including start time, end time, and automatic duration calculation.
  • Goal Management: Set and track fitness goals with progress updates and target dates.
  • Active Minutes Tracking: Track and display the total number of active minutes or time spent on activities to motivate users.
  • Dashboard Overview: View summarized fitness data including:
    • Total workouts completed
    • Calories burned
    • Upcoming workouts
    • Goals set
    • Duration of activities displayed in a human-readable format
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for various devices and screen sizes with a user-friendly interface.
  • Detailed Analytics: View detailed logs of activities and workouts with metrics such as distance, calories burned, and exercise details.
  • Dynamic Data Handling: Migrated from SQLite3 to MongoDB for scalable data management and improved flexibility.
  • CRUD Operations: Create, read, update, and delete activities, workouts, and goals through RESTful API endpoints.
  • Enhanced UI/UX: Improved card designs, animations, and form interactions for a polished user experience.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Flask, Flask-PyMongo, Flask-Migrate
  • Frontend: Vue.js, Bootstrap
  • Database: MongoDB
  • APIs: Flask API endpoints for frontend-backend communication


MongoDB Setup

  1. Install MongoDB Server:

Backend Setup

  1. Navigate to the Backend Directory:

    cd Backend
  2. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment:

    python -m venv venv
    venv\Scripts\activate  # For Command Prompt
    # .\venv\Scripts\Activate  # For PowerShell
  3. Install Required Python Packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the Flask Server:

    flask run

    The Flask server will start and be accessible at http://localhost:5000.

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the Frontend Directory:

    cd Frontend/Vue
  2. Install Node.js and npm:

    • Download and install from Node.js.
  3. Install Project Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the Vue.js Development Server:

    npm run dev

    By default, the application runs on localhost. If you need to run the application on a local IP address for network testing or other purposes, follow these instructions:

    • On Unix-based systems (Linux, macOS):
    VITE_NETWORK=true npm run dev
    • On Windows Command Prompt:
    set VITE_NETWORK=true && npm run dev
    • On Windows PowerShell:
    $env:VITE_NETWORK="true"; npm run dev



Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For questions or feedback, please reach out to [obensassi.03@gmail.com].