
A library to use and communicate with the Hydra/Multiversus API.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet version (HydraDotNet)

This project is not associated with Warner Bros. or Player First Games.

HydraDotNet is a library used to communicate with and use the Hydra API. HydraDotNet provides support for decoding and encoding data with the Hydra format.

HydraDotNet is still pretty experimental, so please bring awareness to any issues with the library itself.

Any and all contributions are encouraged.


HydraDotNet currently only supports authenticating with Epic Games and Steam.

Authenticating with Epic

Use a launcherAppClient2 refresh token to do so. See this to learn more.

Now that you have your launcher client refresh token, you are in charge of managing it and its lifetime. HydraDotNet provides an EpicAuthContainer class with UpdateToken and HasAccessTokenExpired methods which can do so.

The code below demonstrates how to log into a Hydra client with a launcher refresh token which will cache the refresh token when updated.

using HydraDotNet.Core;
using HydraDotNet.Core.Authentication;

Action<string> cacheRefreshLauncher = (string refresh) =>
    File.WriteAllText("refreshLauncher.txt", refresh);

var launcherAuth = new EpicAuthContainer(File.ReadAllText("refreshLauncher.txt"), AuthClients.LAUNCHER, onRefreshTokenUpdated: cacheRefreshLauncher);
var externalAuth = new ExternalEpicAuthContainer(launcherAuth, AuthClients.MV);

var client = new HydraClient(externalAuth);

await client.LoginAsync(onLoginFailed: Failed);

Authenticating with Steam

Authenticating with Steam is much more straightforward than Epic, all you have to do is ensure that Steam is running alongside your application, and just use the default constructor for the HydraClient.

using var client = new HydraClient();

await client.LoginAsync();

Note that using Steam for authentication will create a Steam API DLL in your applications executing directory. It currently isn't supported for platforms other than x64 Windows, but it'll get added eventually. Contributions are welcome too.


Making an API request and getting a response is straightforward. Create a request using a Hydra endpoint class and use the HydraClient to execute the request. HydraClient will handle the authentication.

using HydraDotNet.Core.Api;

var request = Endpoints.Inventory.CreateRequest(); // See the overloads for CreateRequest if you want to use a different request method, add parameters, etc.
var response = await client.DoRequestAsync(request);

HydraDotNet already provides some endpoints for use in the Endpoints static class, but it's very straightforward to define your own. You just need to know the host name and path of the endpoint.

// https://prod-network-api.wbagora.com
HydraProdEndpoint foo = new("/friends/me/invitations/incoming");

// https://dokken-api.wbagora.com
HydraDokkenEndpoint bar = new("/ssc/invoke/get_item_slugs");

var response = await client.DoRequestAsync(foo.CreateRequest());
var response2 = await client.DoRequestAsync(bar.CreateRequest());

DoRequestAsync returns an instance of HydraApiResponse which has some methods for getting the contents of the response.

The response can be retrieved as a Dictionary<object, object?> mapping keys to values like JSON. Recommended for speed and safety. Also recommended to be used with the Dictionary extensions that HydraDotNet provides in HydraDotNet.Core.Extensions.

var dictResponse = response.GetContent();

The response can be received as a JSON string.

var jsonResponse = response.GetContentString();

The response can be retrieved as a generic type. This is still pretty experimental with binary response, so please bring awareness to any exceptions or issues with this.

var typeResponse = response.GetContent<MyType>();


HydraApiResponse should handle decoding and encoding with responses, but using it directly is very straightforward and fast.

To decode a buffer.

using HydraDotNet.Core.Encoding;

var myBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes("foobar.bin");
using var decoder = new HydraDecoder(myBuffer); // Can also be constructed with a Stream.
var val = decoder.ReadValue();

If the buffer is an encoded API response, you will most likely only have to call ReadValue once and the entire response will be retrieved in a Dictionary. Otherwise, I encourage reading the source code of the HydraDecoder class to get an understanding of the format.

ReadValue will return null if you have read to the end of the buffer.


To encode data and objects into the Hydra format, use the HydraEncoder class. This will most likely be used for sending encoded data in a request body.

await using var encoder = new HydraEncoder();

int foo = 69;
string bar = "hello";


await File.WriteAllBytesAsync("encoded.bin", await encoder.GetBufferAsync());

User defined types can also be encoded, but the code is still being perfected, so please bring awareness to any issues with it.

var requestBodyObject = new MyHydraRequestBody()
    Foo = "foo",
    Barrier = "bar"

await using var encoder = new HydraEncoder();

var requestBodyBuffer = await encoder.GetBufferAsync();

var request = MyEndpoint.CreateRequest(requestBodyBuffer, RestSharp.Method.Post);
var response = await client.DoRequestAsync(request);
