
new form input types for credit card and cvc with input formatting and proper validation, including mod10(luhn algorithm) validation of credit card numbers

Primary LanguageHTML


adds new form input types:

<input type='credit card' ng-model="user.card.number" />
<input type='cvc' ng-model="user.card.cvc" />

Using these new input types automatically gives you the following

  • helpful formatting
    • e.g. 4242 4242 4242 4242
    • e.g. 3734 123456 78900
  • validation, including mod10(luhn algorithm) validation of credit card numbers
  • css class hooks for special formating per card brand i.e. visa mastercard amex discover

available through bower

bower install angular-card-input

documentation to come...

for now, checkout the demo and read the source code.