
Goal for the interface.py

Closed this issue · 4 comments

What is your goal for the ./Model/interface.py?

As of now it was just a place holder, I was thinking I would use streamlit when I got to that point. The debate I am having is should I have multiple windows that a user clicks through or just one long scroll down for simplicity

I was thinking of having the QTM itself as an input template. Thereby we could deprioritize a slick UI for now and focus on the model instead.

Also users could first fill out the QTM with their best knowledge and the cadCAD version would then iterate on and optimize the parameters with the potential for more granular approaches.

I already created a new output tab in the QTM which then will serve as parameter interface to cadCAD. This is something we as OV want to have. I could also implement it here, if you like.

A more slick UI is something we could build at the very end when everything else is set.

What do you think?

I like that idea because it puts a lot more focus on the model and shows our team's willingness to buy in on this concept. My push back would be on the user friendliness of the experience, I do want to make sure that users are able to self service the tool without needing lots of other tools in the process. This week I am getting a lot more time back on my hands that I should have for the next 2-3 months so let me spend some time getting re-familiar with where I was at and we can sync about it on our call this week.

Sounds great!

Let's discuss this further on the call and we'll document the outcome here.