
The Crowdin Ruby Client is used to interact with the Crowdin API from Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Ruby interface to the Crowdin API.

For more about the Crowdin API see https://crowdin.com/page/api.

To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

WARNING: This is a development version: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'crowdin-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install crowdin-api


Start by creating a connection to Crowdin with your credentials:

Please note that almost all API calls require the Project Identifier and Project API Key.

require 'crowdin-api'
require 'logger'

crowdin = Crowdin::API.new(api_key: API_KEY, project_id: PROJECT_ID)
crowdin.log = Logger.new $stderr

As well there are several API methods (get_projects, create_project) that require User API Key instead of regular Project API Key.

crowdin = Crowdin::API.new(account_key: ACCOUNT_KEY)

Now you can make requests to the api.

Add File

Add new file to Crowdin project.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/add-file.

First parameter is array of files that should be added to Crowdin project. Every file is hash:

  • :dest - file name with path in Crowdin project (required)
  • :source - file that should be added (required)
  • :title - string that defines title for uploaded file (optional)
  • :export_pattern - string that defines name of resulted file (optional)

Optional params:

  • :branch - a branch name (optional)

NOTE! 20 files max are allowed to upload per one time file transfer.

  files = [
    { dest: '/directory/array.xml', source: 'array.xml', export_pattern: '/values-%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%' },
    { dest: 'strings.xml', source: 'strings.xml', title: 'Texts in Application' }
], type: 'android')

Update File

Upload fresh version of your localization file.

Documentation https://crowdin.com/page/api/update-file

First parameter is array of files that should be updated in Crowdin project. Every file is hash:

  • :dest - file name with path in Crowdin project (required)
  • :source - uploaded file (required)
  • :title - title for uploaded file (optional)
  • :export_pattern - string that defines name of resulted file (optional)

Optional params:

  • :branch - a branch name (optional)

NOTE! 20 files max are allowed to upload per one time file transfer.

  files = [
    { :dest => '/directory/array.xml', :source => 'array.xml', :export_pattern => '/values-%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%'},
    { :dest => 'strings.xml', :source => 'strings.xml' }

Delete File

Remove file from Crowdin project.

Documentation https://crowdin.com/page/api/delete-file


Create Directory

Create a new directory in Crowdin project.

First parameter name - full directory path that should be created (e.g. /MainPage/AboutUs) (required)

Optional params:

  • :is_branch - create new branch. Valid values - '0', '1'. Only when create root directory.
  • :branch - a branch name.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/add-directory


Create a new branch:

crowdin.add_directory('master', is_branch: '1')

Delete Directory

Remove directory with nested files from Crowdin project.

Optional params:

  • :branch - a branch name (optional)

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/delete-directory


Change Directory

Rename or change directory attributes.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/change-directory

First parameter name - full directory path that should be modified (e.g. /MainPage/AboutUs) (required)

Optional params:

  • :new_name - new directory name
  • :title - new directory title to be displayed in Crowdin UI
  • :export_pattern - new direcrory export pattern. Is used to create directory name and path in resulted translations bundle.
  • :branch - a branch name.

When renaming directory the path can not be changed (it means new_name parameter can not contain path, name only).

crowdin.change_directory('/MainPage/AboutUs', new_name: 'AboutCompany')

Upload Translations

Upload existing translations to your Crowdin project.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/upload-translation

First parameter is array of translated files that should be added to Crowdin project. Every file is hash:

  • :dest - file names in Crowdin (required)
  • :source - uploaded translation (required)

Second parameter is target language. With a single call it's possible to upload translations for several files but only into one of the languages. Check complete list of Crowdin language codes that can be used.

Optional params:

  • :import_duplicates - defines whether to add translation if there is the same translation previously added (default: false)
  • :import_eq_suggestions - defines whether to add translation if it is equal to source string at Crowdin (default: false)
  • :auto_approve_imported - mark uploaded translations as approved (default: false)
  • :branch - a branch name (default: nil)

NOTE! 20 files max are allowed to upload per one time file transfer.

  files = [
    { :dest => 'strings.xml', :source => 'strings_uk.xml' },
    { :dest => 'array.xml', :source => 'array_uk.xml' }
  language = 'uk',
  params = {:import_duplicates => true}

Download Translations

Download last exported translation package (one target language or all languages as one zip file).

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/download

First parameter is the language of translation you need or download all of them at once.

Optional params:

  • :output - a name of ZIP file with translations
  • :branch - a branch name (default: nil)
crowdin.download_translation('ru', :output => '/path/to/download/ru_RU.zip')

Translation Status

Track overall translation and proofreading progress of each target language.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/status


Project Info

Shows project details and meta information (last translations date, currently uploaded files, target languages etc..).

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/info


Export Translations

Build ZIP archive with the latest translations.

Note! This method can be invoked only once per 30 minutes (there is no such restriction for organization plans).

Also API call will be ignored if there were no changes in the project since previous export. You can see whether ZIP archive with latest translations was actually build by status attribute (built or skipped) returned in response.

Optional params:

  • :branch - a branch name (default: nil)

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/export


Account Projects

Get Crowdin Project details.

Important: This API method requires Account API Key. This key can not be found on your profile pages.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/get-projects

crowdin = Crowdin::API.new(account_key: ACCOUNT_KEY)
crowdin.get_projects(login = 'YourCrowdinAccount')

Create Project

Create Crowdin project.

Important: This API method requires Account API Key. This key can not be found on your profile pages.

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/create-project

Edit Project

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/edit-project

Delete Project

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/delete-project

Download Glossary

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/download-glossary

Upload Glossary

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/upload-glossary

Download TM

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/download-tm

Upload TM

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/upload-tm

Supported Languages

Documentation: https://crowdin.com/page/api/supported-languages

Supported Rubies

Tested with the following Ruby versions:

  • MRI 2.2.1
  • JRuby


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

License and Author

Author: Anton Maminov (anton.maminov@gmail.com)

Copyright: 2012-2015 crowdin.com

This library is distributed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file.