
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Overlay.live Library

Overlay.live Platform

Overlay.live is a platform to send real-time data across multiple devices and display it as an overlay on a live broadcast stream. for more details about the platform, see the official Overlay.live website.

With the Overlay.live Library, you can connect to the Overlyay.live platform to send custom data from your own devices (physical or virtual).

Getting Started


In order to use a custom device, you first need to create an account on the Overlay.live dashboard and create a manual device. See the dashboard documentation for more details on how to do it.


To use Overlay.live Library in your project, install it with npm :

npm install --save overlaylive-device-library

An example of how to use the library is provided in the examples folder. Here are the basics steps to setup your device :

Setup the manager :

var overlayliveDevice = require('overlaylive-device-library');
var config = require('device-config.js'); // Load the device configuration
var manager = new overlayliveDevice(config); // Setup the library

The device-config.js file must contain device configuration as shown below. This file can be renamed or moved somewhere else as long as it still contains this structure :

module.exports = {
  ingest: 'ingest.epeakgears.com',

Describe the sensors you will use :

  'name': 'Temperature',
  'channel': 'temperature-channel'
  'name': 'Voltage',
  'channel': 'voltage-channel'

Start the manager and setup the sensors to publish data on the Overlay.live platform :

  // Setup sensor watchs here
  setInterval(function() {
    // Custom code here to retreive the sensor value
    var temperature = getTemperature();

    // Publish the value to the Overlay.live platform
    manager.publish('temperature-channel', temperature);

  }, 500);

To wire a custom function to be called from somewhere else on your device, you have to declare a "command". Here is the syntax :

lib.declareCommand('command_name', function() {
  // Your device code goes here
  var computedVar = 'Hello';
  return computedVar;

In order to call this command remotely, you will have to call the procedure COMMAND with the given parameters :

  1. The command name
  2. The command parameters (can be anything depending on how you want to manage it in your function)

Here, we are calling the remote command say_hello with the parameter {name:'Overlay.live'}

// autobahn session
session.call('COMMAND', ['say_hello', {name:'Overlay.live'}])
.then(function(result) {
  // OK
}, function(err) {
  // Error

The result is processed as a promise returning an object with this structure :

  status: '', // OK if command was executed properly, KO if there was an execution error
  result: '', // The returned value of your command to be usd by the callee
  error: ''   // The error stacktrace if there was some error while running your code


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Alex Frêne - Initial work - Drakulo

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details