
Missing all type=infrastructure data?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In base, there is data for land, land_use, and water -- but infrastructure is absent. Why is this?


aws s3 ls s3://overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2024-03-12-alpha.0/theme=base/
                           PRE type=land/
                           PRE type=land_use/
                           PRE type=water/

The infrastructure theme was added after that 2024-03-12 release. You'll see the data in the next release very soon.

ok thanks!

So "very soon" in my message above meant "in just a few hours". Infrastructure data is in today's release:

select count(1)
from overture_2024_04_16_beta_0
where theme = 'base'
	and type = 'infrastructure'

has 48080802 rows.

I'll close this but feel free to reopen or make a new issue if any problems