
Extract Places Data

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I have downloaded all parquet files from Amazon S3 and now I'm trying to extract data with DuckDB to geojson. I've already extracted admins and buildings, but I have a problem with Places category.

When I try extract data with my query:

COPY ( SELECT version, CAST(updatetime as varchar) as updateTime, JSON(names) as names, JSON(categories) as categories, confidence, websites, socials, emails, phones, JSON(brand) as brand, addresses, JSON(sources) as sources, ST_GeomFromWKB(geometry) as geometry FROM read_parquet('E:/12/theme=places/**/*', filename=true, hive_partitioning=1)) TO 'places.geojson' WITH (FORMAT GDAL, DRIVER 'GeoJSON');

I get this error:

Not implemented Error: Unsupported type for OGR: MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)[]

What is wrong?