
Open Overtone Data in GIS

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I just want to know what is the best way to open overtune boundary data in GIS. Can I download the GeoParquet file and open it in QGIS? Or is there any better way to convert the Parquet file to a shapefile for opening in GIS?
I really appreciate it if you explain both options if applicable.


Take have a look at the comments in this discussion.

#62 (comment)

The data held here isn't actually in Geoparquet format but plain parquet with the geometry stored as as well known binary. You can actually grab the data in Geoparquet format here: https://beta.source.coop/cholmes/overture

You should be able to open in QGIS in later versions but the data will be read-only.

Thank you so much for your assistance. I am gonna check.

Hello @mtravis. I downloaded the Geoparquet file and opened it in QGIS. Thank you so much for your help.
Now, I need this data in the shapefile format. What do you think is the best way?

@MarjanNikoukar, Can you share why you want the data in Shapefile format? Shapefiles have some downsides, so I usually suggest using other formats.

How to Convert Using QGIS

If you really need it in Shapefile, here’s how you can do it using QGIS:

Step 1: Start Export

  • Find the layer you want, right-click on it, and go to Export > Save Features As...:
    Start Export

Step 2: Pick Format and Name Your File

  • Pick ESRI Shapefile from the ‘Format’ list and don’t forget to give your file a name before saving it:
    Pick Format


Remember, Shapefiles have their own problems, so think about if you really need this format, or if another one might work better for you.

Additional Information

If you are planning to use this data in ArcGIS Pro, the GeoPackage format may also suit your needs for reading the data. However, please note that data in GeoPackage format is not editable in ArcGIS Pro.

Hello @Youssef-Harby . Thank you so much for providing information.
I need the shapefile format to do analysis in ArcGIS Pro, like joining with points and more analysis.
I imported the GepParquet file in QGIS and exported it in shapefile format.
Then, I imported the shapefile in ArcGIS Pro. When I opened the attribute table, it showed an error:

However, when I exported the shapefile to a new shapefile in ArcGIS Pro, it showed the attribute table without error, and the shapefile seems correct now.
Could you explain more about the problems with the shapefile format you mentioned? I want to know what problems the shapefile format might have.
I want to make sure I do my analysis correctly.
Thank you so much in advance for your time.

@MarjanNikoukar here's a good run through of why Geopackage is better than Shapefile: https://www.gis-blog.com/geopackage-vs-shapefile/

Also, QGIS is more than comparable with ArcGIS Pro when it comes to analysis so I would try and do it all in QGIS if you can. Happy to help with that but it's out for scope for this issue.

Hello @mtravis. Thank you so much for your response and the link.

looks like you all figured this out. please feel free to re-open as needed.