Live demos not working
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I tested on Firefox 25, Chrome 30 and Android Chrome 30, and none of them are showing the .livedemo
s (to be exact, the placeholder image is showing up, but the demo itself doesn't).
As far as I can tell, it's caused by this statement:
// Syntax highlighting
crashing with this error:
ReferenceError: hljs is not defined
This causes the rest of this <script>
tag not to be executed, including the WebGL demo part.
Highlight.js seems to be correctly included, but for some reason it doesn't work.
I'll try and fix this if I have time this weekend, but in the mean time a quick workaround would be to isolate them by putting a separate closure around each block: Syntax highlighting
, Disqus
, Google Analytics
and WebGL demos
Live demos are working on with the latest commit as far as I can see.
Never mind about Firefox, I just needed to allow external JavaScript to be executed…
In Chrome though, it really doesn't work, and I traced it to canvas.getContext( "experimental-webgl" );
returning null
. I checked with Chrome's GPU status page and it tells me WebGL is Hardware accelerated
, ie. enabled.
I'm guessing it's a problem on my side, but it's strange it appears on both this computer and my phone.
I'm off now, I'll look at it more tomorrow.
Well, it's working on desktop Chrome now, I don't know what changed.
And after searching a bit I found out Chrome for Android does not support WebGL yet, so... my bad :)