Nascent toolkit for calculating state energies, transition matrix elements, rate equations, obe solver, etc
- 0
- 8
- 9
Make the repo name more exciting!
#26 opened by cjbe - 3
Publish on PyPI (pip)
#28 opened by dnadlinger - 12
Symbols: PEP8, avoid overly short names
#30 opened by dnadlinger - 0
Redesign LevelData Interface
#38 opened by pathfinder49 - 2
Ion Data Citations & Accuracy
#35 opened by pathfinder49 - 1
Set up documentation build
#32 opened by cjbe - 20
Expose matrix element calculation
#27 opened by cjbe - 7
Method to calculate absolute transition frequency
#29 opened by cjbe - 8
Discrepancy in clock-qubit fields
#24 opened by RHanley1 - 8
Epole matrix element
#19 opened by pathfinder49 - 0
GammaK obsolete/typo
#20 opened by pathfinder49 - 2
Ion Broken
#21 opened by pathfinder49 - 0
- 2
Laser Linewidth
#17 opened by pathfinder49 - 5
transition_filter crash
#7 opened by RHanley1