
Cannot invoke 'asyncDataForType' with an argument list of type '(SiteRecord.Type, (_) -> Void)'

jeffery812 opened this issue · 2 comments

What's wrong with my code, did I do something wrong?

let database = SwiftyDB(databaseName: "gogogo")
database.asyncDataForType(SiteRecord.self) { (result) -> Void in

/Users/zhihuitang/repo/ios/Letsgo/Letsgo/JSBridgeHandler.swift:32:18: Cannot invoke 'asyncDataForType' with an argument list of type '(SiteRecord.Type, (_) -> Void)'

Your code looks good to me. Does 'SiteRecord' implement the 'Storable' protocol?

sorry, you are right. my Storable has some problem. thanks