
facets-dive-info-card should be scrollable

rmcloughlin opened this issue · 2 comments

A facets-dive-info-card should have vertical and horizontal scroll bars when the content is too large for the visible area.

Previously mentioned here: #71

@jimbojw new facets dive bug

For anyone facing this, I found a quick and dirty solution:

  • Inspect HTML
  • Select facets-dive-info-card element
  • Set style property height: 600px (or any other fixed value, I used 600 as is the same for the facets-dive element)

The info-card should now scroll vertically, allowing to see all the content.
(Works for me on Chrome 88.0, running Facets Dive from a jupyter notebook, using facets-jupyter.html from the master branch).

PD: If I added the CSS rule from the jupyter itself (by using HTML(...), or the magic %%html) it did not work, not sure why