
irregular data poll

Closed this issue · 7 comments

With the latest version of the netatmo adapter (1.4.4) the adapter polls the data from Netatmo servers very irregularly.
I tracked with the history adapter for 24h and the rhythm somehow seems to be like


and then repeating. Between xx:44 and xx+1:24 there is no new data coming in - the rhytm has been like that for the whole 24h.
Looking at the netatmo data on the netatmo servers, there is all the data available every 10 minutes like it should be.

js-controller: 4.0.21
nodejs: 16.14.0

Please try GitHub version because we iterated on several topics there ... (also also in the meantime Beta is on 1.6.0 ... Github will become 1.7.0 tonight)

And PS: What you consider "poll"? Is it when values change? Which? Or is it some log? Please enable debug logging then you should see better what exactly happens

Aaaand: What do you have configured for the check intervals?

PPSS: Ohhh ... you use tsable version ... so most likely you did not followed other isues: In the new version you can add your own Netatmo-ID/secret to be used - in formewr versions it could happen that because of other users "overusing intervals" send the centrally used ID into rate limiting which exactly caused what you describe

Poll intervall is set to 1 minute and I'm using my netatmo account for my own weatherstation data.
I will enable logging and try the new beta and/or github version.

With poll I'm referring to new data coming from the weatherstation, be it the same temperature value again or a new one. But there is no data at all coming for 40 minutes every hour where there is new data on the netatmo servers according to my.netatmo.

So, I'll try the newer versions and the own secret and come back here. Thanks.

I close here ... please reopen if new version with your own id/secret still has issues

The Beta version and the id/secret solved the issue. Great, thanks!