
State "netatmo.0.XXYY1235.LastEventData.LastEventDeviceId" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Raspberry Pi 4
Adapter : v2.1.1
js-controller: 4.0.23

netatmo.0.ID.LastEventData.LastEventDeviceId" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

Objekte bereits gelöscht und neu anlegen lassen

Problem besteht weiterhin.

Please provide a full debug log. I need to see for which device type and evice and message this error happens. Take log from /opt/iobroker/log/ ... You can send to me using by referencing to this issue


this is not a device this is the maingroup of the adapter i hink thats my location in netatmo. Under this Object are the devices in.

ID with Problem
Device ID

i hope this helps

No, it do not help. Please provide a debug log as described if you want me to help. Thank you

I have the same issue, the messages pop up every time the camera identifies movement. I sent you the log via mail.

I still need a FULL debug log please ... from adapter start until error appears. Log taken from lofile on disk at /opt/iobroker/log/...

@TimoGoerlich I saw your email, but I needa full log please

Hi, I have the same problem.